PhD 8

Use of cryopreserved PGCs for the restoration of the complete genetic heritage of a poultry breed: validation, cost and transfer to the industry

Location: French Poultry and Aquaculture Breeders Technical Center (SYSAAF), French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, France

Main Supervisor: Dr. Maxime Reverchon; E-mail:

Participating researchers: Dr. Marina Govorun (INRAE), Dr. Pierrick Haffray (SYSAAF)

The topic of this PhD is to determine the best host to receive primordial germ cells with the aim of restoring endangered poultry breeds and securing the avian genetic heritage. This will involve carrying out cell transplantation experiments in different types of host, assessing their capacity to support the colonisation and maturation of PGCs into functional germ cells.


  1. Realize a proof of concept of genotype restoration from PGCs cryopreserved

  2. Define which breed would be the optimal host to inject PGCs

  3. Estimate in terms of time, cost and success the technique of restoration a race from cryopreserved PGCs

  4. Build a service platform at the PEAT experimental station to serve poultry companies

Expected Results:

  1. Define the most effective method between spermatozoa or PGCs cryopreservation to restore a population that has not been maintained

  2. To build a service platform to perform the collection, culture, cryopreservation and injection of PGCs for poultry species

  3. To transfer this knowledge and techniques to the poultry industry via the poultry breeding companies that are members of SYSAAF

  4. A better understanding of the colonization mechanism of the gonad by PGCs

Planned secondments:  (Host, Supervisor, timing, length, and purpose)

  1. Experimental station PEAT (INRAE), Lilin, M2, 3 M, training on avian PGC collection, culture and injection

  2. LUH, Glasmacher, M24, 3 M, cryomicroscopy and live cell microscopy in avian germ cells

Enrollment in Doctoral Degree: Yes (INRAE)