PhD 7

Improved procedures for successful cryopreservation of porcine semen and oocytes

Location: Centre for Genetic Resources, Wageningen University and Research (WUR), the Netherlands

Main Supervisor: Dr. Julie Lamy. For any questions, please contact Dr. Annemieke Rattink; E-mail:

Participating researchers: Dr. Henri Woelders (WUR), Dr. Louisa Zak (Topigs Norsvin)


  1. Characterization of optimal cooling rates and optimal protocols for both porcine semen (slow freezing) and oocytes (slow freezing and vitrification)

  2. Determine the effect of cryopreservation procedures on individual sperm cells motility parameters (CASA)

  3. Use of a novel method to modulate ice formation and recrystallization using a combination of Ice Binding Proteins and cooling rates to improve survival and development of frozen-thawed semen and oocytes

  4. Apply cryomicroscopy and microscopy techniques to visualize controlled cooling, ice formation and freezing and assess cryo-damage during freezing-thawing cycles

Expected Results:

  1. Improvement of cryopreservation procedures for porcine semen

  2. Disentangling of cryo-injury mechanisms during freezing of porcine semen and oocytes

  3. Standardized method for the cryopreservation of immature and mature porcine oocytes

Planned secondments:  (Host, Supervisor, timing, length, and purpose)

  1. Topigs Norsvin, Louisa Zak, M16, 3 M, Porcine semen collection and processing

  2. LUH, Birgit Glasmacher, M26, 3 M, Applied cryomicroscopy techniques to visualize cryodamage in pig oocytes and embryos

  3. SCBI, Pierre Comizzoli, M32, 2 M, Learning advanced methods for long term preservation and genetic resource banking

Enrollment in Doctoral Degree: Yes (WUR)